Create Code and Play

The Create Code and Play carnival, a unique event was conducted at Bhartiya City on 23rd November 2019.The event mirrors the philosophy of Chaman Bhartiya school which is aptly captured by the school director, renowned international educator Allan Kjaer Andersen from Denmark “We want children to be active producers rather than consumers of knowledge. Learning by doing leads to deeper learning rather than a repetitive approach to learning. “

The exclusive WE LEAD learning curriculum, which will be implemented at Chaman Bhartiya school,has been developed by Allan Kjaer Andersen, founder of the highly renowned school, Orestad Gymnasium in Copenhagen, Denmark. Orestad was the first school to go 100% digital globally and is world famous for its emphasis on technology in education. Allan believes that technology can be used to personalize learning and bring concepts to life in the classroom. With this thought, Chaman Bhartiya school has partnered with Apple to create a learning environment in sync with its philosophy.

The theme of the Carnival was to experience a Chaman Bhartiya classroom today. Learning at Chaman Bhartiya is driven by the tenets of self-exploration as well as hands-on learning. Play is used as tool to drive learning. The lesson planintegrated “create” and “code” activities to drive learning in an engaging manner. It also enables them to gain a deeper understanding of the concepts that they learn. This approach for teaching and learning helps students to master digital literacy, as well as 21st century skills like creativity.

The topic of the lesson plan was Polygons. Audience explored what is learning through their own preferred style of learning. They were also given a choice of reflecting on what they have learnt. Students use coding to express what they have learnt through a fun-filled game where they use their coding skills. Students were also allowed to express their learning through creative platforms such as music, drawing, photography etc. Audience were left with a positive feeling as to how technology can not only make learning fun and engaging but also lead to a deeper conceptual understanding of subjects. It can also be a medium for students to express their creativity.