Preparing for Board Exams: Tips and Resources for ICSE 9th and 10th Students in Bangalore

Chaman Bhartiya School
August 27, 2024
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Whether you’re a parent or a school student, board exams can feel like a major hurdle as the pressure to perform well is intense. For 9th and 10th graders in an ICSE learning programme, it can be daunting to prepare for these exams without getting overwhelmed. At Chaman Bhartiya School, conceptual learning is supported by practical experiences. Learners are supported and assisted to focus on a practical approach to these comprehensive and challenging exams.

Based on a survey of top scorers from the best ICSE schools in Bangalore including Chaman Bhartiya School, here are some tips to help you streamline the preparation process and ace the exams with confidence: 

1. Attendance

Trained ICSE teachers continuously provide feedback to students on the evaluation pattern. It is therefore important that students are available for these sessions.

2. Create a Structured Study Plan That Works

A good, structured study plan can act like a roadmap to your prep journey. Start by breaking down the syllabus into smaller, manageable chunks. Set aside specific times each day for particular subjects, and prioritise the tougher subjects for when you’re feeling most alert! A well-thought-out plan keeps you organised and reduces last-minute stress.

3. Practice with Mock Tests & Past Papers

Mock tests and past question papers can help you get used to the exam format and question types. When you regularly practise with these tests, it doesn’t just boost your confidence but also helps you manage your time during the actual exam. Some of the top students from the best ICSE schools in Bangalore have often reported that this method helped them achieve better results!

4. Manage Your Time Effectively

This is a crucial step. Create a daily routine that helps you balance study time with breaks. Use timers or alarms to keep track of how long you’re studying and when it’s time for you to take a break. Starting early and pacing yourself can help avoid the stress of last-minute cramming.

5. Balance Study with Leisure

Exam prep is not all about studying, non-stop. It’s crucial for you to mix up academic preparations with co-curriculars or other activities that stimulate your mind. Make sure that you have time to relax, spend time on your hobbies and take breaks! This helps keep your mind fresh and reduces burnout.

6. Stress Less, Achieve More

Prepping for one of the most important exams in school life can be stressful, making it even more important to keep mental health in check. Incorporate simple stress-busting activities like working out, breathing exercises or even a quick chat with your friends. Having a support system in place, whether it’s family or friends, can make a big difference in keeping you calm and focused.


It’s important to note that these board exams are not the defining factor of a student's journey with learning. They are just one part of the schooling journey. With the right preparation and mindset, you can tackle them confidently. Stay focused and balanced with these tips and confidently take on these exams!

At Chaman Bhartiya School, as with some of the best ICSE schools in Bangalore, we believe in providing holistic support to each student to support them in their academic and personal growth. From personalised guidance to ample co-curricular opportunities, we craft the right balance of academics and comprehensive approaches to nurture them into young leaders of tomorrow. 

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